15-17 May, Mines Nancy represented the University at the annual EIT Raw Materials Summit in Brussels which brought together high-level experts and innovators from around the world as well as policymakers, influential CEOs, renowned researchers, and disruptive startups. The primary …

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Academia Stands for Green Deal 2023: Driving Green & Digital Transitions 10-11 May, Mines Nancy hosted the second edition of its international conference “Academia Stands for Green Deal”. The event brought together 70 participants from academia and business from 15 …

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On Tuesday 4 April 2023, Mines Nancy, Nokia and SNEF inaugurated the Te@chLab5G, a 5G private wireless platform supplied by Nokia and installed by its partner SNEF (Eiffage Énergie Systèmes) on the campus of the Ecole des Mines de Nancy. …

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From May 10 to 11, 2023, Mines Nancy organizes the international conference “Academia stands for green deal” that aims to bring together European academic, scientific, industrial and institutional players to take up the challenge of the ecological transition. About the …

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Cap sur l’international avec l’équipe de la direction de l’action internationale à l’occasion du prochain cocktail virtuel de la Fondation Mines Nancy : stratégie, partenariats, mobilité, projets européens…  Zoom sur le plan d’action 2025 et les ambitions école à l’international. …

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Convinced that the industrial 4.0 revolution will require the deployment of 5G networks, Mines Nancy is supporting this digital transition by developing an industrial 5G Hub on its campus               The School invites you …

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Organisé par les élèves des Mines de Nancy, le Forum Est–Horizon est un évènement qui permet aux étudiants de Nancy et plus largement de la région Grand–Est de rencontrer des entreprises afin de trouver différents types d’offres de travail, tels …

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