The HERawS (Highlights of Europe Raw Materials Sustainability) Project, led by Mines Nancy (University of Lorraine) in collaboration with several European institutions, addresses the critical challenge of raw materials in the context of green and digital transitions.

As we move towards green and digital transitions, the demand for raw materials is reaching a critical point. Often, the importance of these materials, especially metals, is overlooked in public discussions, which focus mainly on the negative aspects of mining. This situation creates a tough choice: either keep polluting as we are now or improve mining standards. Solving this problem requires significant research to find alternatives for important raw materials.


The HERawS Project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ program and led by

  • Mines Nancy (University of Lorraine) in partnership with
  • the University of Luxembourg,
  • University of Belgrade,
  • Jozef Stefan Institute (Slovenia)

aims to reshape our approach to these challenges.



The project unfolds in two stages:


The Development of an Interactive Platform and Algorithm

This stage focuses on creating a simulation tool for a diverse audience including scientists, students, industrial stakeholders, and policymakers. This innovative tool is designed to make the simulation of climate change versus policy not only understandable but interactive. It allows users to select the most sustainable devices, like batteries, based on various indicators, providing a hands-on experience in decision-making for sustainability.


Training Schemes and Educational Resources

The second stage involves the development and implementation of training schemes for different audiences. This is complemented by a MOOC on raw material issues, ensuring widespread availability and accessibility of educational content. This aspect of the project is crucial in spreading awareness and knowledge about the criticality of raw materials in green and digital transitions.


The Video-Podcast Series: “We Can Be HERawS!”

In an effort to further raise awareness, HERawS has launched a video-podcast series titled “We Can Be HERawS!” This series features top experts, researchers, and policymakers sharing their insights on raw materials crucial for green and digital transition. The first episode features Peter Handley, Head of Energy-Intensive Industries and Raw Materials Unit at the European Commission, discussing the EU Green Deal, the role of metals, and future sustainability prospects.


The HERawS project, while addressing the critical issue of raw materials, empowers stakeholders to make informed decisions towards a more sustainable future. This initiative serves as a significant step in the journey towards sustainability, combining technology, education, and public outreach. 

Stay tuned for more developments and insights from the project!

HERawS Project website

Video-podcast series We Can Be HERawS!

On the same topic