December 6, 2023: Mines Nancy participated in the Campus France Live event, showcasing our vision and programs to a wide audience of international students worldwide.

Key Theme: “Future Now! at Mines Nancy: Training Engineers for a Sustainable World”

Introducing Mines Nancy
In our presentation, we introduced Mines Nancy, underscoring our commitment to developing engineers equipped to tackle future challenges. Our vision of the Future Engineer is not just about academic excellence but also about fostering innovation and global sustainability.

Our Offerings for International Students
We highlighted the unique programs we offer, emphasizing how we prepare our students for a rapidly evolving world. Our discussion also centered on the support and cultural experiences we provide to our international students, ensuring a well-rounded educational journey.

Alumni Success
William BELLITY, one of our alumni and currently a successful entrepreneur, shared his experience at Mines Nancy. He spoke about the opportunities for student startups and the practical experience he gained, which paved the way for his entrepreneurial success.

Innovative Teaching and Global Opportunities
We showcased our innovative teaching methods and the wide network of international and industrial partnerships. These connections offer our students fantastic opportunities for studies abroad and internships in leading companies worldwide.

We invite you to watch the replay of the event to learn more about how Mines Nancy is at the forefront of engineering education, preparing students to become leaders in creating a sustainable world.