Mines Nancy advances five places in the 2023-2024 ranking of the most committed Grandes Ecoles in ecological and social transition, presented by Les Echos Start and Change Now in collaboration with Deloitte, scoring 112 out of 159 points.

In this ranking, six key themes were meticulously analyzed: the depth of impact within the program, the strength of the alumni network and their access to impactful job markets, the clarity and publication of strategic objectives, the commitment to diversity and equal opportunities, the active participation of student associations, and the blend of academic excellence with employability.

More and more students are increasingly focused and engaged in their search for meaningful and impactful education. Les Echos START, in partnership with ChangeNOW, has published the third edition of this innovative ranking, which highlights the efforts made by schools and universities in the realm of ecological and social transition.

Mines Nancy particularly distinguishes itself in three aspects:

  • The institution’s ability to guide its alumni towards impactful sectors:12 out of 12 points (average 7.7/12).
  • The involvement of student associations: 9 out of 14 points (average 5.75/14).
  • Academic excellence and employability: 24 out of 29 points (average 17.5/29).

How does higher education integrate environmental and societal issues? Which institutions are leading the way? What about the incorporation of impact in coursework? These are the questions that the “ranking of schools and universities for changing the world,” conducted by ChangeNOW and Les Echos START, with the auditing by Deloitte, aims to answer.

#See the complete ranking