Congratulations to Antoine Henrot, who has been awarded the Frontiers of science 2024 prize for his paper entitled “Maximization of the second non-trivial Neumann eigenvalue”, which he co-authored with Dorin Bucur.

Teaching in the Industrial Engineering and Applied Mathematics department at Mines Nancy, Antoine Henrot is Professor Emeritus since September 2023 at the Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine (IECL) in the Partial Derivative Equations team, and Dorin Bucur is Professor at the University of Savoie Mont Blanc and former senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France. Together, they have published 9 papers in leading scientific journals.

Published in Acta Mathematica in 2019, this article focuses on spectral geometry. Using a topological degree method, the authors are able to show that the union of two disjoint balls is the domain that maximizes the 2nd eigenvalue of the Laplacian with Neumann condition at the edge.

The $25,000 Frontiers of Science Prize will be awarded to Antoine Henrot and Dorin Bucur at the International Congress for Basic Science in Beijing in July.

Frontiers of Science Awards

The International Congress of Basic Sciences (ICBS) rewards the best researchers, focusing on achievements over the past five years that are both excellent and of outstanding scientific value. For the 2024 selection, scientific works in basic and applied research are chosen from over 30 fundamental scientific fields represented at the ICBS. To be considered, a scientific achievement must meet the following three criteria:

  • it must have been published within the last 5 years ;
  • it must be of the highest scientific value and originality, and have had a significant impact on its field;
  • it must have been evaluated and accepted by researchers in its field.


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