Mines Nancy (TechL@b) takes the lead in implementing the groundbreaking Future Networks Academy (FNA) project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme grant that the project team won last year.

In collaboration with esteemed partners from Aalto University, the Technical University of Madrid, the Polytechnic University of Milan, the University of Luxembourg, and Delft University of Technology, the project aims to bridge knowledge gaps and equip specialists for future challenges in 5G networks.

Future Networks Academy will tackle four key challenges:

  • Enhancing industry competitiveness
  • Ensuring secure networks for EU sovereignty
  • Exploring the impact of 5G on innovation
  • Building trust in future networks

Through the FNA project, a micro-credential platform dedicated to future networks will be created, empowering students, researchers, and teachers to thrive in the evolving labor market.

To design tailored training programs that meet real market demand, FNA invites researchers, industry experts, policy-makers, students, and technology enthusiasts to participate in a survey to help shape the training to be efficient and relevant.

Complete the Survey

For more information, please visit the project’s website and LinkedIn page.

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