15-17 May, Mines Nancy represented the University at the annual EIT Raw Materials Summit in Brussels which brought together high-level experts and innovators from around the world as well as policymakers, influential CEOs, renowned researchers, and disruptive startups. The primary objective of the Summit is to foster collaboration and tackle the critical challenges faced by the raw materials industry.

The summit provided a platform for Mines Nancy to showcase the University’s cutting-edge research initiatives, and innovative projects (such as HERawS Project and Future Networks Academy Project) across multiple disciplines, highlighting its contributions to advancements in raw materials and beyond. The TechLab’s RoboDogs also participated in the event, captivating attendees at the Innovation Village.

Image credit: EIT Raw Materials Summit


The Summit served as an exceptional opportunity for Mines Nancy to engage directly with influential industrial and political decision-makers. This dynamic gathering acted as a catalyst for collaboration, fostering knowledge sharing and promoting meaningful partnerships.

Find more information on the website

EIT Raw Materials Summit website

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