
A combined Math and Computer Science Master Program

This International Program offered by Mines Nancy on «Big Data and Data Science» has the unique feature of being directed by both the Mathematics
and the Computer Science Department, thus guaranteeing an outstanding level in both domains. It is associated with the IECL and Loria facilities conducting world class research in these areas. The program is also sponsored by Saint-Gobain Research within the «Big Data Chair» agreement with Mines Nancy.

The «Big Data and Data Science» curriculum is both a Master level program for the French students at Mines Nancy, and a track for foreign exchange students. While the courses are given in English for convenience, students are entirely integrated with French students during sessions and have the opportunity to fully experience French way of life and studies.


Embrace the world of data!

The digital transformation of the world economy provides us with tremendous amounts of data. The capacity to leverage these data and transform them into information is offering a wide range of opportunities for new markets, services and improved decision making.

Cutting edge research in Applied Mathematics (Statistics and Optimization) and Computer Science (Machine Learning, Knowledge Mining, High Performance Computing) has been competing with corporate stakeholders to develop tools and
techniques for the management of these data troves.

The aim of this program is to confront these techniques and their applications, as well as their more fundamental underlying theories to modern issues of data science.

At the end of the year, the students will be able to work in many areas as data scientists endorsed by one of the most prestigious French Graduate Schools Of Science, Engineering and Management.

Key points

This International Program offered by Mines Nancy on «Big Data and Data Science» has the unique feature of being directed by both the Mathematics and the Computer Science Department, thus guaranteeing an outstanding level in both domains. It is associated with the Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine and the Lorraine Research Laboratory in Computer Science and its Applications, facilities conducting world class research in these areas.

The program is also sponsored by Saint-Gobain Research within the «Big Data Chair» agreement with Mines Nancy. The «Big Data and Data Science» curriculum is both a Master level program for the French students at Mines Nancy, and a track for foreign exchange students. While the courses are given in English for convenience, students are entirely integrated with French students during sessions and have the opportunity to fully experience French way of life and studies.

Why study at Mines Nancy?

Meet the experts

Learn from internationally renowned faculty involved in top class laboratories at the forefront of innovation.

Acquire advanced skills…

…to tackle engineering challenges with highly selective combined Math and CS Curriculum based on a combination of theoretical, computational and experimental methods.

Personalized tutoring

Personalized Tutoring in Small Groups.
Individual and personalized support throughout the mobility.

Research and innovation

Benefit from our close collaboration with a world class research environment: Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine & Lorraine Research Laboratory in Computer Science and its Applications.

Prepare your future career

75% of students hired before graduation: Mines Nancy offers close interaction with industry, through lectures given by our industrial partners and the possibility to perform either academic or industrial research projects.

Live a multicultural experience

This English curriculum is open to and popular with local French students. You will also mix with students from all around the world, as 25% of the students at Mines Nancy come from abroad with origin from over 20 different countries.

Mines Nancy welcome pack

The teachers, staff and students of Mines Nancy are looking forward to welcoming you. Many services are provided and social events are organized for international students to help you settle in and feel comfortable. An optional French summer school is also available for you to feel even more at ease.

Enjoy Nancy

Nancy is renowned throughout the world for its Unesco-listed Place Stanislas. This Capital of Lorraine is a wonderfully charming and dynamic city with more than 60000 students. There are more than 40 clubs and student societies at Mines Nancy (sports, arts, social events, professional activities…).


This program offers the enrolled students an in-depth focus on the mathematical foundations of Data Mining and Numerical Optimization underpinning Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction theories and techniques, as well as an overview of the technical architectures supporting high performance distributed data processing and computation.

Core courses

20 ECTS 204Hrs

EU1 Large Scale Statistics

4 ECTS 42h


Multiple testing issue, False Discovery Rate (FDR), usual method (Bonferroni, local FDR, Benjamini-Hochberg,..), case of correlated data

Penalised regression: LASSO, RIDGE, ELASTICNET

Decision trees and random forest, variable importance

Criteria of model selection: AIC, BIC, …

Criteria of goodness of it: RMSE, confusion table ROC curve

Variable selection: Cross validation, knockoffs, stability selection

EU2 Machine Learning

2 ECTS 21h



Dimensionality Reduction

Feature Extraction & Feature Learning

Deep Learning

EU3 Scalable Distributed Architectures

2 ECTS 21h


High Availability, High Troughput, Distributed Storage

Scalable Distributed Computing



EU4 Knowledge Extraction

2 ECTS 21h


Symbolic data mining

Knowledge representation

Pattern extraction

Formal Concept Analysis

EU5 Optimization

4 ECTS 36h


Theoretical results for unconstrained and contrained optimisation

Gradient methods

Penalization, duality

Formal Concept Analysis

EU6 Information Theory+

2 ECTS 21h


Data compression. The case of Kolmogorov complexity. The case of the Shannon entropy.

Main results on Shannon information: chain rule, data treatment inequality;

Lossy data compression: what is the maximum compression rate that you can achieve for a signal up to a certain tolerable distorsion?

Kullback-Leibler divergence and large deviation theory: how surprising is a result with respect to a given belief?

The Cramér-Rao bound: in statistics, this is a fundamental limit on how much information you can get about a hidden parameter.

Information theory as a tool for model selection: justification for the AIC and BIC criteria.

EU7 Spatial Statistics

4 ECTS 42h


Point processes (Poisson, Cox, Gibbs).

Markovianity and integrability. Hammersley Clifford theorem. Campbell Mecke theorem. Palm distributions.

- Exploratory statistics tools. Simulation algorithms (Metropolis-Hastings, Gibbs, CFTP). Bayesian inference.

- Applications : geosciences, image analysis, astrophysics.

Tutored project

9 ECTS 100Hrs

Industry and Business project & seminars


EU1 Artem Insight



1 week dedicated to the development of a project proposed by a company or an organization

EU2 Ateliers Artem



About twenty workshops are offered each year, one day a week between September and April.

Research internship


6 months Research internship in Partner Labs or industry

How to apply

If you live in one of the following countries, you have to apply on Etudes en France platform from November to March :

Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, the Republic of the Congo, South Korea, Ivory Coast, Egypt, United States, Gabon, Guinea, Haïti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Mauritania, Mexico, Niger, Nigeria, Peru, Senegal, Democratic Republic of Congo, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, Taiwan, Tchad, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey and Vietnam.


If you live in a a country not listed above, you have to apply on the e-candidat platform : https://ecandidat.univ-lorraine.fr/

Entry requirements

Candidates should have achieved at least 4 years of higher education or M1 with a solid background in mathematics, statistics, computer science, engineering science.

Within a bilateral agreement

  • Erasmus exchange students: Free
  • Non-EU exchange students: Free

Free movers

  • EU/EEA/Overseas: 4 500€
    excluding registration fee (about 243€)

French Summer School

Date: From the beginning of July until the end of August or a possibility of a personalized schedule

Duration: 160 hours

  • 2 months (from the beginning of July to the end of August):
    Participation fees are €1000. If you are enrolled at Mines Nancy or a student coming from a Partner University, fees are reduced to €800.
  • 1 month (from the end of July to the end of August):
    Participation fees are €500. If you are enrolled at Mines Nancy or a student coming from a Partner University, fees are reduced to €400.


Welcome pack

Mines Nancy offers individual and personalized support throughout the mobility.

  • Accommodation & administration support
  • Personalized welcome from the railway station to accommodation
  • Help with arrival in Nancy
  • Educational mentoring
  • Buddy programme
  • International week end
  • Social & cultural activities
  • Intercultural Days

Apply Apply


If you live in one of the following countries, you have to apply on Etudes en France platform from November to March :

Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, the Republic of the Congo, South Korea, Ivory Coast, Egypt, United States, Gabon, Guinea, Haïti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Mauritania, Mexico, Niger, Nigeria, Peru, Senegal, Democratic Republic of Congo, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, Taiwan, Tchad, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey and Vietnam.


If you live in a a country not listed above, you have to apply on the e-candidat platform : https://ecandidat.univ-lorraine.fr/

In the meanwhile, you have to send the following documents by email to mines-nancy-scolarite-du@univ-lorraine.fr :

  • Application form duly completed
    • Official transcripts (in English)
    • CV and cover letter (in English)
    • Copy of passport
    • Proof of Language Proficiency (compulsory minimum B2)

Entry requirements

Candidates should have achieved at least 4 years of higher education or M1 with a solid background in mathematics, statistics, computer science, engineering science.

Within a bilateral agreement

  • Erasmus exchange students: Free
  • Non-EU exchange students: Free

Free movers

  • EU/EEA/Overseas: 6 000€
    excluding registration fee (about 270€)


Possible fellowships based on academic achievements, application to be submitted by april 15th.

French Summer School

Date: From the beginning of July until the end of August or a possibility of a personalized schedule

Duration: 160 hours

  • 2 months (from the beginning of July to the end of August):
    Participation fees are €1000. If you are enrolled at Mines Nancy or a student coming from a Partner University, fees are reduced to €800.
  • 1 month (from the end of July to the end of August):
    Participation fees are €500. If you are enrolled at Mines Nancy or a student coming from a Partner University, fees are reduced to €400.

Apply now

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