In its stride towards promoting sustainable practices in metal extraction and energy transition, HERawS and LabEx RESSOURCES21 (University of Lorraine) have launched a groundbreaking series of exhibitions titled “Metals and Minerals in the Energy Transition.”

Academia Stands for Green Deal Conference

The inaugural exhibition took place at the Academia Stands for Green Deal conference held at Mines Nancy on May 29-30, 2024. This event captivated an audience of academics, industry experts, and students. The Geoscience experts Michele Cathelineau (CNRS) and Olga Chernoburova (LabEx RESSOURCES21) led attendees through the intricate process of metal extraction, shedding light on often-overlooked byproducts, sector challenges, and potential solutions. Their comprehensive presentations highlighted the essential role metals play in the energy transition.


Interactive Exposition in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Following its successful debut in France, the interactive exhibition moved to Ljubljana, Slovenia. Here, Alexandre Nomine (University of Lorraine) and Janez Zavašnik (Jožef Stefan Institute) addressed key topics and engaged with attendees’ questions.

The exhibition engaged over 40 children from the French International School of Ljubljana, as well as young researchers and Ph.D. students from the Jožef Stefan Institute.

Through interactive engineering toys, the children learned about renewable energy sources, including solar and wind power, sparking curiosity and inspiring a deeper understanding of energy, metals, and their origins.


Expansion to Belgrade University

The exhibition then moved to Belgrade University, where Olga Chernoburova and Janez Zavašnik presented to young environmental engineers and researchers from the Faculty of Forestry. This session further expanded the reach and impact of the HERawS initiative. The content delved into various minerals and their specific roles in energy technologies, emphasizing the importance of sustainable extraction and recycling practices.


Future Plans and Objectives

This marks just the beginning of this initiative. The project aims to bring the exhibition to village communities in Slovenia, particularly those with a traditional focus on mining, this autumn. The goal is to continue educating and raising awareness about the critical role of metals in achieving a circular economy.

Stay tuned for more updates as HERawS continues its mission to promote sustainable practices and energy transition awareness across Europe.

For more information and future updates, visit the HERawS project website.