Mines Nancy in 10th place in Le Figaro’s 2025 ranking, up 4 places

The daily Le Figaro has just published its 2025 ranking of the best engineering schools. Mines Nancy is in 10th place (tied for 9th) among the top schools, up 4 places on the previous edition of the same ranking.


Overall average 15.5/20

Ranking methodology :

The schools are ranked on the basis of around fifteen indicators divided into three main categories:

The academic excellence of the schools was assessed on the basis of their selectivity in competitive examinations, the academic success of students in their engineering training, the number of lecturers in relation to the number of students and the proportion of graduates going on to do a thesis.

The international profile of the schools is measured by their presence in the latest international rankings (Shanghai, THE, QS, GEURS), the diversity of regions of origin of graduates, the proportion of foreign graduates, the proportion of graduates who have done an internship abroad, and the proportion of graduates who have a post abroad.

The employability of the schools’ graduates is based on the proportion of them who found a job in less than two months, their salaries on leaving the school in France, the presence of alumni on Linkedin and the number of them in a position on the executive committee of a CAC40 company, and having founded a start-up listed in the French Tech Next120.