
The Post Master’s (Mastère Spécialisé®) in Waste Management, Treatment and Recovery (GEDE) has been accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles since 1995.

The GEDE Post Master’s (MS) is one of the few professional training courses in France in the field of waste.

Three top engineering schools are co-accredited for this Post Master’s:

  • ENGEES (National School of Water and Environmental Engineering based in Strasbourg),
  • Mines Nancy
  • ENSG (National School of Geology based in Nancy).

Students can choose from two electives:

  • Urban Waste (UW): classes take place at ENGEES in Strasbourg.
  • Industrial Waste (IW): classes take place at Mines Nancy in Nancy.

The Post Master’s (Mastère Spécialisé®) in Waste Management, Treatment and Recovery (MS GEDE) has a new syllabus!


The MS GEDE Post Master’s has a new syllabus. Classes have been added or expanded on in the following subjects:

  • Circular Economy
  • GIS
  • Waste Management from Decommissioned Nuclear Facilities
  • Non-hazardous and Non-inert Waste Management

Benefits of the course

For students continuing their education, the Post Master’s aims to expand on an initial education that is too general or not sufficiently vocational.

It provides excellent complementary learning in order to meet the requirements of employers in the sector. Students will improve their knowledge of the sector, make multiple contacts with professionals in the industry, identify potential employers and put themselves on the radar of companies.

For professionals, it equips them with the skills for moving up the ladder to a position of responsibility or to retrain in a technical field outside their original area of study. As such, it means trainees can optimise their skills by adding a whole new dimension (chemistry + GEDE; agricultural engineering + GEDE; mechanics + GEDE, etc.).

For students from abroad, it is an excellent way to rapidly learn about advanced techniques and methods used in the field of waste in France. The Post Master’s (Mastère Spécialisé®) in Waste Management, Treatment and Recovery offers this programme on waste technologies, covering treatment, recovery, collection and storage.


This is a highly specialised professional Post-Master’s degree taught over one year. It aims to train future project managers in the field of waste management (see career opportunities), targeting a mixed intake of students and professionals.

The course provides high-level specialised technical know-how on the subject of the prevention, collection, treatment and recovery of solid waste.

The programme

The academic year is divided into two distinct parts:

PART 1: Classes (500 hours)
From September to March:

Two electives offered: Urban Waste (UW) delivered by ENGEES and Industrial Waste (IW) delivered by Mines Nancy. They comprise five teaching units (TUs). These modules are made up of a core syllabus common to both pathways and classes specific to each elective. The core syllabus is delivered at both sites (Strasbourg and Nancy) using video-conferencing technology.

PART 2: End-of-study work placement (approx. 800 hours)
From early April to late September:

The work placement is an integral part of the course. It takes place in a host organisation chosen by the student and approved by either ENGEES or Mines Nancy depending on the student’s chosen elective. At the end of the placement, students will be required to produce an end-of-study dissertation in connection with the student’s job role (and career plan) that will be defended before a jury.

Course pass requirements:

  • examinations on fundamental knowledge, through the course of the programme;
  • project presentations;
  • a professional dissertation and its defence before a jury formed of industry professionals in the chosen field and teaching staff.

The degree is delivered based on the jury’s conclusions.

Educational team

The course is largely taught by professionals in the fields covered and lecturers from the teaching staff of each school.

Internal teachers will include:

  • Teaching and research staff from the three schools (ENGEES, Mines Nancy and ENSG) and from various laboratories such as GESTE, the soil and environment laboratory and others.

Participating industry professionals will come from organisations such as:

  • ADEME (France’s environment agency)
  • ANDRA (French national radioactive waste management agency)
  • BRGM (the French geological survey)
  • Local authorities (CUS, Métropole du Grand Nancy, CG67, CG54, etc.)
  • Colas
  • DREAL (regional department of the environment, planning and housing)
  • Eco-emballage
  • IRSTEA (France’s national research institute for agriculture, food and environment)
  • Séché (recovery and waste treatment)
  • Schroll Group
  • SITA
  • Valorplast
  • Veolia and others


Admission requirements

Enrolment procedure

Enrolment takes place at the ENGEES website regardless of the option chosen (UW or IW):


The deadline for receipt of applications is 27/06/2022. The recruitment selection jury is common to ENGEES and Mines Nancy.

The selection is made based on applications during several committee meetings, which are held once a month.

Preference is given to candidates with scientific training providing them with the essential prerequisites, whose profile will be enhanced by the course.

If you wish to obtain a pre-enrolment certificate and a quote for the course to facilitate your search for funding, specify this in your letter when submitting the application.

Selection criteria

  • Motivation based on a professional project
  • Appropriateness of the initial training for the Post-Master’s course
  • and career opportunities
  • Quality of the academic curriculum
  • Technical skills
  • Maturity
  • Level of proficiency in French (for foreign students and professionals)

Apply Apply

Enrolment procedure

Enrolment takes place at the ENGEES website regardless of the option chosen (UW or IW):


The deadline for receipt of applications is 27/06/2022. The recruitment selection jury is common to ENGEES and Mines Nancy.

The selection is made based on applications during several committee meetings, which are held once a month.

Preference is given to candidates with scientific training providing them with the essential prerequisites, whose profile will be enhanced by the course.

Selection criteria

  • Motivation based on a professional project
  • Appropriateness of the initial training for the Post-Master’s course
  • and career opportunities
  • Quality of the academic curriculum
  • Technical skills
  • Maturity
  • Level of proficiency in French (for foreign students and professionals)

Submission of the application

If you wish to obtain a pre-enrolment certificate and a quote for the course to facilitate your search for funding, specify this in your letter when submitting the application.


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